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How to control the cash flow

2 horas
15 dias
Microempreendedor individual
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    0800 570 0800

Do you know how much money is circulating in your business? Have you ever thought about where it is going? What do you spend more on, what are the most important expenses and income for you? By taking this course you will have all these answers.

About the course

Efficient business management is just as important as developing or delivering to market a quality product. To maintain the financial health of your business, and avoid unpleasant surprises, you should know how to control the cash flow, recording incoming and outgoing money on a daily basis.

In this course, you will get in touch with tools that will help you better deal with the money that circulates in your business and will learn how to elaborate a spreadsheet to control the company’s cash flow.

Besides learning the step by step to organize the accounts in the correct way, by taking the course you will learn how to avoid wasting the business’ resources. Thus, you will feel more confident to make decisions and investments that may impact the cash flow.

The six (6) modules cover:

  • Presentation
  • Keeping an eye on the cash
  • Attention to payables and receivables
  • Vamos colocar a mão na massa?
  • Let’s get the hands dirty?
  • Course closure Feedback
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